What is the difference between ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit?
There are two main differences between these methods:
- ajaxSubmit submits the form, ajaxForm does not. When you invoke ajaxSubmit it immediately serializes the form data and sends it to the
server. When you invoke ajaxForm it adds the necessary event listeners
to the form so that it can detect when the form is submitted by the
user. When this occurs ajaxSubmit is called for you.- When using ajaxForm the submitted data will include the name and value of the submitting element (or its click coordinates if the
submitting element is an image).
在回复下面关于uploadProgress的评论时,同一网站上的Options page说:
Note: Aside from the options listed below, you can also pass any of the standard $.ajax options to ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit.
Both ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit support numerous options which can be provided
using an Options Object.