WebAii - tools for Ajax


* IE/Firefox browser Automation
o Rich,simple and easy to use API set
o Supports automating both Internet Explorer and Firefox using one consistent API and DOM.
o Control browser instances to do basic browser actions like GoBack,GoForward,Refresh ...etc.
o Supports automating multiple browser instances of the same or different types within the same test.

* Ajax Testing
o Rich support for defining and waiting on 1-N page changes for Ajax application testing.
o Supports both direct DOM actions and pure UI Mouse/Keyboard actions.
o High performance rich markup parser and .NET DOM implementation that provides a complete document object model accessible from your test code to navigate and inspect for easier and more comprehensive test verification.
o Perform pure UI actions using coordinate offsets easily. Again great for automating rich UI content like Flash plug-ins,image maps or DragDrop.

* ASP.NET Testing
o ASP.NET In-Process Host for fast browser-less without a webserver.
o Use ASP.NET Development Server (Cassini) to run your tests instead of IIS.
o New ASP.NET TestRegion custom control to use for designing testablility with TestRegions in your ASP.NET application. The control provides design-time visual rendering to easily visualize your TestRegions within the application on VS's design surface. At runtime the control renders as HTML comments.

* Rich and easy to use element identification methods
o Support for wide range of rules from XPath identification to basic name/id identification.
o Support for finding elements using element text content like (InnerText,InnerMarkup,OuterMarkup & StartTagContent. Use partial,literal or regexs text compare to define your search.
o Rich short-cut notation to easily define complex element identification. (i.e. use Find.ByAttribute(foo=~bar) with the '~' to signify partial value).
o Implements a new 'NodeIndexPath' identification that provides XPath like identification with lesser levels of markup dependency for more resilient automation.
o Provides chained identification to allow users to employ different identification methods within one search.
o Integrates TestRegions as identification reference points to produce resilient test beds that have lower cost of maintenance and ownership.
o Serialization/Deserialization of element identifications (FindParams) so you can separate test logic from application specifics. Define FindParams as XML files and have WebAii directly load them from file for your tests.

* JavaScript Unit Testing
o Support for calling JavaScript methods directly from your .NET code and logging from JavaScript directly into your test log. Use it to unit test your JavaScript.
o Support for invokation of JavaScript events directly on elements. Invoke onBlur/OnMouse out events ... etc.
o Enable logging directly from JavaScript. Use it to trace and perform error logging from your JavaScript. All logging is unified in one log.

* HTML Pop-ups,Dialogs & Win32 Windows Handling
o Support for both HTML pop-up dialogs and browser dialogs. WebAii comes with native support for Alert,logon & FileUpload dialogs for both IE & Firefox in addition to an extensible framework to implement your own custom dialog handling for your custom dialogs.
o Win32 Windows support to help manage custom windows & basic Win32 window automation.

* Web Unit Testing Extensions
o Unit Testing extensions that target web testing scenarios for both NUnit & VS Team Test. The extensions introduce new test fixtures to allow you to share common elements deFinitions across tests and help structure your web testing better. Also the extensions provide dialog fixtures to help define the dialogs to handle for your test methods or across all tests.

* TestRegions
o Native Implementation of TestRegions to allow users to build highly resilient test automation and radically reduce maintenance costs and lower the total cost of ownership.

* Visual Capturing
o Capture browser screen shots for easy diagnosis of test failures.
o Capture specific elements on the page as bitmaps to use for visual verification.

* Visual Studio Team Test / NUnit Integration
o Tight integration with Visual Studio Team Suite unit testing framework. Unified logging with ready to use VS item templates.
o Tight integration with NUnit 2.4. Unified logging with ready to use VS item templates.

* Extensibility
o Pluggable logging that can be integrated into any automation system.
o Supports .NET configuration of its settings (using .config files) which allows tests to be re-configured without recompilation. For example,you can configure a test to run under InternetExplorer and then reconfigure to run against Firefox without a need to recompile the test.
o Built using Microsoft.NET framework and can easily be used in Microsoft Visual Studio and integrated in any .NET application using any .NET language." >

* Samples & Documentation o Rich set of samples with 50 unit tests that cover most of the WebAii framework. Samples come as ready to use solutions you can open and start running tests. Solutions are provided for both NUnit or VS Team Test in both C# & VB.NET. o Documentation and API references for the whole framework.


使用 AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)技术可以在不...
Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)是一种用于改进网页...